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Cir No.39 Interest on Advance Current Consumption Charges kept by the consumers for the Year 2025-26.pdf266.77 KBDownload Pdf
Annexure to Circular no.38 dtd 18.01.25.pdf74.06 KBDownload Pdf
Cir No.38 TNPCB-Consent Orders to be renewed both under the Water Act and Air Act-Renewals only through online-Renewal Applications to be filed on or before 31.01.2025-Regarding..pdf267.29 KBDownload Pdf
Cir No.37 Additional Surcharge levied on Renewable Energy through Green Power Open Access– reg..pdf306.33 KBDownload Pdf
Cir No.35 Advisory on Meter Calibration for WEGs SPGs.pdf266.13 KBDownload Pdf
Cir No.34 Levy of DSM Charges – Regarding.pdf267.16 KBDownload Pdf
Cir No.33 Presentation on “Power Market trends and Bidding strategy through IEX”.pdf280.13 KBDownload Pdf
Cir No.32 TECA News Letter.pdf263.30 KBDownload Pdf