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Cir No.59 WEG Solar- Service Connection –Metering Set & Meter due for accuracy test-.pdf319.66 KBDownload Pdf
Cir No.57 Awareness Programme on “Compulsory ISI Marking on CI Castings and Aluminium Castings” conducted by CODISSIA.pdf275.33 KBDownload Pdf
Cir No.56 Revised SOPs notified by the MoP in the matter of uploading of pending payments receivable from DISCOM TANGEDCO in the PRAAPTI Portal-Regarding.pdf276.79 KBDownload Pdf
Cir No.55 Invitation to TECA’s Technical Committee Meeting.pdf275.18 KBDownload Pdf
Cir No.54 TANGEDCO Notice issued to install PQ meter- TNERC Directs TANGEDCO to withdraw the instructions provided to field officials.pdf266.34 KBDownload Pdf
cir on status of hearing held on 20-25 yrs windmill.pdf267.25 KBDownload Pdf
TECA circular seeking comments on CEA Draft procedute.docx21.80 KBDownload Doc
Cir No.51 New Office Bearers for 2023-24.pdf281.14 KBDownload Pdf