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TNERC has passed Tariff Revision Order No. T.P. No.1 of 2013 dated 20.06.2013.pdf9.92 KBDownload Pdf
TNERC has directed TANGEDCO to supply uninterrupted power.pdf12.96 KBDownload Pdf
TNERC Comprehensive Tariff Order on Wind Energy.pdf13.32 KBDownload Pdf
TNECJC Meeting held on 23.11.2013.pdf14.99 KBDownload Pdf
TN Govt Notifica.No. 34 dated 28.08.2013 proposal for Sub-Station and Transmission Lines.pdf9.46 KBDownload Pdf
TN Govt levied Electricity Tax in two stages viz. 5% tax on the consumption of Electricity.pdf13.97 KBDownload Pdf
TN Electricity Ombudsman had passed an order dated 08.11.2013.pdf10.41 KBDownload Pdf
The Directors Members Other Associations.pdf21.17 KBDownload Pdf