File Name File Size Download PDF
Preparation of HT Bills for the month of January 2019 dtd 19.02.2019.pdf12.12 KBDownload Pdf
Obligation of 11 kV and above consumers Harmonics dtd 16.02.2019.pdf12.33 KBDownload Pdf
CFC sent instruction to all SE’s on Implementation of OA software dtd 15.02.2019.pdf9.93 KBDownload Pdf
T&D Loss Quantum dtd 05.01.2019.pdf17.42 KBDownload Pdf
Appeal for a contribution for solar power panel dtd 05.12.2018.pdf11.96 KBDownload Pdf
Deemed Demand Benefit for Open Access Consumers dtd 21.11.2018.pdf10.29 KBDownload Pdf
Instruction sent by CE-NCES to implement TNERC Order dtd 26.10.2018.pdf22.87 KBDownload Pdf
Madurai Court order on CGP dtd 13.10.2018.pdf11.78 KBDownload Pdf