File Name File Size Download PDF
Cir- 69 - Interest on Security Deposit for the Financial Year 2022-23 in respect of HT and LT consumers – Ordered.pdf576.68 KBDownload Pdf
Cir 68 - Submission of documents for CGP verification.pdf524.87 KBDownload Pdf
Cir 67 - Status of Hearing on TECA Appeal before Hon’ble APTEL in the matter of TNERC Tariff Order.pdf685.25 KBDownload Pdf
Cir-66- TECA Appeal filed before Hon’ble APTEL in the matter of TNERC Tariff Order.pdf620.34 KBDownload Pdf
Cir-65- CE-NCES communication seeking for documents to process the refund of Solar Security Deposits.pdf679.04 KBDownload Pdf
Cir -64- Appeal filed before Hon’ble Supreme Court with regards to CGP related matters.pdf678.75 KBDownload Pdf
Cir-63- Change of Procedures for availing the supply for Residential Quarters situated inside the premises of Industries covered by HT supply-Regarding..pdf842.27 KBDownload Pdf
Cir 62 - Subsidy to TANGEDCO to compensate for the reduction in Time of Day (TOD) charges for LT Industries (III-B) during Peak Hours from 25% to 15%.pdf577.75 KBDownload Pdf